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Christian Conkle
Christian Conkle
Raiders of the Mercenary Coast
an Adventure-Scenario for Challengers of Vanth
Christian Conkle
The Lost Pyramid of Ssarkon
an Adventure-Scenario for Challengers of Vanth
Christian Conkle
Deadly Salvage on Dino-Island
an Adventure-Scenario for Challengers of Vanth
Christian Conkle
the Hobling Heist
an Adventure-Scenario for Challengers of Vanth
Christian Conkle
There's Treasure Hidden in Snake Head Cave
An adventure scenario for Challengers of Vanth!
Christian Conkle
Persona Portfolio
a collection of NPCs from the world of Vanth
Christian Conkle
Opponent Opuscule Number 3
a collection of antagonists for Challengers of Vanth
Christian Conkle
Opponent Opuscule Number 2
a collection of antagonists for Challengers of Vanth
Christian Conkle
One of the Goblins has a Flamethrower aka "a Starter Module"
an Adventure-Scenario for Challengers of Vanth
Christian Conkle
The Tomb of Anubis-re-Boötes
An adventure scenario for Challengers of Vanth!
Christian Conkle
The Slave Mines of Thugosh-Katra
An adventure scenario for Challengers of Vanth!
Christian Conkle
Challengers of Vanth
a Fan's Tribute to the Greatest Science-Fiction Fantasy Role Play Game, Compatible with MÖRK BORG
Christian Conkle
Uprising on Antares-9
Uprising on Antares-9 is a roleplaying game based on ideas and characters introduced in Revolt on Antares
Christian Conkle