Updated Cave Ooze

After multiple encounters with Cave Oozes (and watching the live play last night on Twitch), I am updating Cave Ooze attacks. This means an update to Opponent Opuscule, A Starter Module, and Lost Temple of Ssarkon. 

Cave Ooze

HP 21 Morale - Rubbery Skin -d4 Move 20’

drop from ceiling: test Luck to jump out of way or be touched by the ooze

sticky: any character that touches an ooze must test Luck or be stuck to ooze, test Strength to break free or be automatically enveloped next round

any weapon that strikes but fails to do damage is stuck, test Strength to dislodge

pseudopod (no damage): victim is stuck to the ooze, test Strength to break free or be automatically enveloped next round

envelop 2d20/round: test Toughness DR 8 to take no damage, victim may not use their hands or feet

bombs and explosives do double damage


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Jun 27, 2023

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